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Curious about Actual AAPC Certified Professional Coder Certification (CPC) Exam Questions?

Here are sample AAPC Certified Professional Coder (CPC) (CPC) Exam questions from real exam. You can get more AAPC Certified Professional Coder Certification (CPC) Exam premium practice questions at TestInsights.

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Question 1

A Medicare patient that is on dialysis for ESRD is seen by the nurse for a Hep B vaccination. This patient is given a dialysis patient dosage as part of a three-dose schedule. The nurse administers the Hep B vaccine in the right deltoid. The physician reviews the chart and signs off on the nurse's note.

What procedure and diagnosis codes are reported for the scheduled vaccine injection for this Medicare patient?

Correct : B

Procedure: Hepatitis B vaccine administration for a Medicare patient on dialysis.

CPT and HCPCS Codes:

G0010: Administration of Hepatitis B vaccine.

90740: Hepatitis B vaccine, dialysis or immunosuppressed patient dosage, 3-dose schedule.

ICD-10-CM Codes:

Z23: Encounter for immunization.

N18.6: End-stage renal disease.

Z99.2: Dependence on renal dialysis.

Code Selection Justification: G0010 is used for the administration of the vaccine for Medicare patients, and 90740 captures the specific vaccine for dialysis patients. The ICD-10 codes represent the encounter for vaccination and the patient's dialysis status.

AMA CPT Professional Edition (current year)

ICD-10-CM (current year)

HCPCS Level II (current year)

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Question 2

A Medicare patient is scheduled for a screening colonoscopy.

What code is reported for Medicare?

Correct : D

Medicare provides specific codes for screening colonoscopy based on the patient's risk factors. For a Medicare patient scheduled for a screening colonoscopy who is at high risk (such as those with a history of intestinal polyps), the appropriate code is G0105.

G0105 is used for colorectal cancer screening; colonoscopy on individuals at high risk.

HCPCS Level II, current year

Medicare Guidelines for Colorectal Cancer Screening

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Question 3

A witness of a traffic accident called 911. An ambulance with emergency basic life support arrived at the scene of the accident. The injured party was stabilized and taken to the hospital. What HCPCS Level II coding is reported for the ambulance's service?

Correct : B

The scenario describes an emergency basic life support (BLS) ambulance service. The appropriate HCPCS Level II code for BLS emergency transport is A0429.

Modifier QN indicates that the service was provided by an ambulance supplier, and SH indicates the services were provided in an emergency situation.

HCPCS Level II, current year

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Question 4

View MR 006399

MR 006399

Operative Report

Preoperative Diagnosis: Chronic otitis media in the right ear

Postoperative Diagnosis: Chronic otitis media in the right ear

Procedure: Eustachian tube inflation

Anesthesia: General

Blood Loss: Minimal

Findings: Serous mucoid fluid

Complications: None

Indications: The patient is a 2-year-old who presented to the office with chronic otitis media refractory to medical management. The treatment will be eustachian tube inflation to remove the fluid. Risks, benefits, and alternatives were reviewed with the family, which include general anesthetic, bleeding, infection, tympanic membrane perforation, routine tubes, and need for additional surgery. The family understood these risks and signed the appropriate consent form.

Procedure in Detail: After the patient was properly identified, he was brought into the operating room and placed supine. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. General anesthesia was administered via inhalation mask, and after adequate sedation was achieved, a medium-sized speculum was placed in the right ear and cerumen was removed atraumatically using instrument with operative microscope. The tube is dilated, an incision is made to the tympanum and thick mucoid fluid was suctioned. The patient was awakened after having tolerated the procedure well and taken to the recovery room in stable condition.

What CPT coding is reported for this case?

Correct : D

The procedure involves eustachian tube inflation to remove serous mucoid fluid in the right ear of a 2-year-old patient with chronic otitis media.

Procedure Description:

Eustachian tube inflation to remove fluid.

General anesthesia.

Incision to the tympanum and suctioning of thick mucoid fluid.

CPT Coding:

69421-RT: Eustachian tube inflation, transnasal or transoral; with catheterization, including general anesthesia. The modifier -RT indicates the right ear.

AMA's CPT Professional Edition (current year).

CPT Assistant for detailed coding guidelines on eustachian tube procedures.

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Question 5

View MR 099405

MR 099405

CC: Shortness of breath

HPI: 16-year-old female comes into the ED for shortness of breath for the last two days. She is an asthmatic.

Current medications being used to treat symptoms is Advair, which is not working and breathing is getting worse. Does not feel that Advair has been helping. Patient tried Albuterol for persistent coughing, is not helping. Coughing 10-15 minutes at a time. Patient has used the Albuterol 3x in the last 16 hrs. ED physician admits her to observation status.

ROS: No fever, no headache. No purulent discharge from the eyes. No earache. No nasal discharge or sore throat. No swollen glands in the neck. No palpitations. Dyspnea and cough. Some chest pain. No nausea or vomiting. No abdominal pain, diarrhea, or constipation.

PMH: Asthma

SH: Lives with both parents.

FH: Family hx of asthma, paternal side

ALLERGIES: PCN-200 CAPS. Allergies have been reviewed with child's family and no changes reported.

PE: General appearance: normal, alert. Talks in sentences. Pink lips and cheeks. Oriented. Well developed. Well nourished. Well hydrated.

Eyes: normal. External eye: no hyperemia of the conjunctiv

a. No discharge from the conjunctiva

Ears: general/bilateral. TM: normal. Nose: rhinorrhea. Pharynx/Oropharynx: normal. Neck: normal.

Lymph nodes: normal.

Lungs: before Albuterol neb, mode air entry b/l. No rales, rhonchi or wheezes. After Albuterol neb. improvement of air entry b/l. Respiratory movements were normal. No intercostals inspiratory retraction was observed.

Cardiovascular system: normal. Heart rate and rhythm normal. Heart sounds normal. No murmurs were heard.

GI: abdomen normal with no tenderness or masses. Normal bowel sounds. No hepatosplenomegaly

Skin: normal warm and dry. Pink well perfused

Musculoskeletal system patient indicates lower to mid back pain when she lies down on her back and when she rolls over. No CVA tenderness.

Assessment: Asthma, acute exacerbation

Plan: Will keep her in observation overnight. Will administer oral steroids and breathing treatment. CXR ordered and to be taken in the morning.

What E/M code is reported?

Correct : D

99222: This code is used for initial hospital care, per day, for the evaluation and management of a patient, which requires a detailed or comprehensive history, a detailed or comprehensive examination, and medical decision making of moderate complexity.

The documentation shows a detailed history (including HPI, ROS, PMH, SH, and FH) and a detailed examination (covering multiple organ systems). The medical decision making involves the management of an acute asthma exacerbation, which includes admitting the patient to observation status, administering oral steroids, and planning for further diagnostic testing.

CPT Professional Edition, AMA

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